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Posts posted by _Illustrations




    “As in the old days of Horen, the ground was rent and Iblees’ chains directed the fallen, and the faithful were beset by horror.”

    (Gospel 5:40)






    In the past month, His Majesty Karl III, has but offered simple requests upon the lands of Norland. To transfer such righteous titles and lands unto Haense, in exchange the motherly shield of Haense was offered outwards to them, a token as that of an olive branch. Yet upon the fool ears of Norland did these words of peace find no home, for it was not respect and vocal exchange returned unto Karl III. Instead the King of Norland Odin Freyson turned not to man, and not unto GOD, for instead he took evil into his heart, his body not his but a vessel for evil. In such I name him not Odin but I name him Saul; for he is nothing but a puppet to Iblees.

    “Thus Saul worked Iblees’ iniquity in Horen’s camp, and it came that a great many there were corrupted.”

    (Gospel 2:33)

    “And he ensnared Saul in his chains, and the impostor’s body stood again.”

    (Gospel 2:57)


    While these are but words upon paper they are the given truth seen by myself and the young Prince Marius Audemar. For it was upon a simple horse we rode forth to travel Norlandic lands in search of men who hold the spirit of GOD within thy heart yet have deaf ears so as to enlighten them. Yet- before us we found not a city of man, but a city swallowed by the earth, as if the chains of Iblees’ itself were torn asunder. No stone left unturned, no tree unfelled, we found but disaster upon the city of Dùnrath. Yet in the ruin it was still peace we sought, yet peace we found not, for once mortal man, was but turned to mindless slave, dig they did, speak they did not. To them the sign cross was not but a gesture of the hand, for their evil knew no bounds, their soul was but gone from their flesh, unbound, free in the seven skies. For it is these who I pray for tonight, that one day we may lay to rest their bodies, despite the lacking of soul. Flesh of man turned to machine of war, so that Saul Freysson may build works of war without rest.


    Their enemy is Iblees, who cowers in the Void.  And in his army are Iblees’s slaves, the Saulicians and the apostates, consorters with Iblees, witches, and all those who serve them.”

    (Auspice  3:42-43)







    Credits to GMRO for the post format 



  2. ZJo-5f5AtPD03Lj-JkiUY2bCLzvlFTIDHR05hINAgN3d6d7goFzNJqpqxGZDBD7KWF5KlZt_JoVp1r0ThvAT1fgzkU8AVkIlDVCDTxS4oX-VDZmRRVBum49oQOhJCTKBC3-Z_yBs

    Evil upon the banks


    Upon the 18th of The grand Harvest, I acolyte Calin found evil upon the banks of Acree. During my simple strolls and preaching across the lands, I found a man accosted by

    a pair of Malin’s Kin, yet it was not peace these two agents of sin worked nay it was in harm and evil. For they struck upon a simple fisherman, a man unarmored, nothing but

    a rod within his hands was struck by these creatures. From the sky, they called down to earth great balls of lightning; from a gauntlet, they called forth a hammer of light.

    These weapons were used with no care for life as they struck this fisherman till he fell to the ground, the light all but knocked from his eyes.


    Furthermore, as I was to approach these beasts, clad in the cloth of the church, they headed not my words, citing themselves as damned souls. They sought not repentance,

    nor did they find peace in my words. One carried a spear of golden metal, the second a gallant adorned with a silver stag; from the weapon, an aura of fear was cast outwards. Man

    nor beast was unable to approach, lest of the soundest heart. 


    I publish this report as but a simple warning to the good men and women of Acree, lest they find themselves.es, equal victims, to these creatures



    In GOD and faith


    A report: written by; 

    Acolyte Cailin

  3. Upon receiving missive from the Cardinal the young Acolyte wrote a quick letter.

    ( @LPT)

    "Venerable Cardinal James Griffiths,

    Your missive has reached me in great haste, I've attached an amended copy of my thesis for your review, such that it may be more pleasing to your eyes. Beyond that perhaps we may find common time and ground to discuss such matters upon which you may disagree.

    In the light of GOD,

    Acolyte Cailin. "

  4. ZJo-5f5AtPD03Lj-JkiUY2bCLzvlFTIDHR05hINAgN3d6d7goFzNJqpqxGZDBD7KWF5KlZt_JoVp1r0ThvAT1fgzkU8AVkIlDVCDTxS4oX-VDZmRRVBum49oQOhJCTKBC3-Z_yBs

    Thesis on the proliferation of the scrolls


    (Gospel of Horen: 5-9; paraphrased and commentary)


    From the earlier days of Horen’s kin, thy’ have been snuck up on by the creeping presence of sin. At that time Ibless suffered in the void, gone from the grace of GOD, so man did prosper.

    Yet then as man became more worldly, so did his appetite for sin, and so man and kin found them separate from each other: mountains, forest, desert, and plains. 


    While the scrolls tell us of the very origin of Horen’s kin, they also tell us of our downfall, for man without GOD. Is akin to man without water, for his throat will suffer for water, as his

    soul will suffer for GOD. 


    (Gospel of Horen: 14-25; paraphrased and commentary)


    Horen feeling the separation of GOD from the soul, he feared, so he prayed, upon him was granted a message, a grotto in the east. Yet while Horen sought, he took upon pilgrimage. In his

    absence man held not true, for man did sin, from the void, creeping, haunting did Ibless arise. Within the guise of Horen did Ibless preach, spreading, infecting man.


    In the everyday life of man, one must ask, does man live by the scroll? Walk upon the street and turn to strangers, ask upon them, speak to them; does the common man know the scrolls,

    does the common man know the lifeblood of GOD? If we are to look at the scrolls as the word of GOD given unto man so that man may live in the shadow of bis being, in the image of

    his desire, then should man not know the scrolls by heart? Should a man not carry the scrolls as he carries a blade? 


    In conclusion; I look upon the current life of man, to be shallow, without the depth and heart of GOD. In my mind, the common man has not lost the path of GOD purely, but nor does

    man nourish his soul with the word of GOD daily as he should. Look upon the stands of a market, see not copies of the cannon, see not copies of the scrolls.


    Moving forward in my path, every step I shall take will be nourished in the light and love of GOD. I look for a future; where man will find the scrolls within his heart, within the marketplace, within

    the common tavern. In pursuit of this purpose, I propose an effort to print and distribute the scrolls across the land, till man does learn, till man does taste the nectar of GOD’s word once more. 



    In GOD and faith


    Written by; 

    Acolyte Cailin

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