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Everything posted by solidsnake

  1. solidsnake


    Ranmir was born in Norland in a small hunting town surrounded by forest. He was an only child growing up. Hunting, gathering, and fishing was all he knew. He stayed in his hometown all his childhood and never ventured to the big cities. From a young age, his father Heimir Ranwülf taught him the essentials of hunting: how to shoot a bow and arrow, track prey, fish, set up traps, and how to make tools needed for hunting. His mother, Aila, taught him how to read and write as there was no school in the small settlement they lived in. There was hardly any conflict in the town Ranmir grew up in, everyone was happy and helpful to each other for the most part. Although there was hardly any good education, the inhabitants were self-sustaining and good at their jobs. Ranmir always admired his father and his feats. He often went on hunting expeditions with his father and at times with his friend Arne. When Ranmir was 16, his father went on a solo hunting expedition tracking down a gryphon. After five weeks of not returning, a rescue party was sent to find Heimir. Aila during this time was extremely troubled and did not let Ranmir go after his father. After a week of searching the route Heimir had taken, his body was found in the rocky highlands near a river. He had been mauled to death by the gryphon that was meant to be his prey. When the news was broken to the Ranwülf family, Ranmir was filled with rage and went on a killing spree of animals in the woods, damaging the forest's ecosystem. Since the incident, Ranmir's personality changed, and still harbors hatred deep inside. He left his hometown when he was 17, and sought to see the world and hunt great beasts in the spirit of his father. On his journey, he was caught off guard by a direwolf which took out his left eye leaving him blind on one side. Ranmir violently killed the direwolf that attacked him and still wears its skin to this day.
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