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  1. angel_k


    Snat was born in the city of Iron Uzg and lived a normal but challenging Orc life. Snat, at around eight years old, was unexpectedly bit by an extremely venomous snake as he was returning from school. Snat, unaware of the gravity of the situation, brushed it off and continued walking towards his house. Not long after, Snat was hit with an unexpected heavy headache and he began hyperventilating, he passed out. He was found on the side of the curb by one of his friends which announced his family as he didn't live that far from the vicinity he passed out on. Snat's family rushed him to the nearest healer, turned out he wasn't home at the time. A bystander offered Snat's family a healing potion for the snake bite in which Snat's family refused to accept as he wasn't one of them. By luck, the healer returned from the store shortly after and treated Snat for his wound. This incident brought Snat close to death and it just goes to show the level of xenophobia surrounding the Orcs in the city. The incident shaped my character in a way as Snat took on his family's beliefs and never really intermixed in any sense with any other races and till this day has little to no trust to people outside of his own kind. Snat developed a liking for fishing and fetched food for his family every weekend, Snat was and still is the food provider in the family, his dad being the one in charge of bringing all the money back home. Snat didn't have that many friends ever due to his hard work ethic, he constantly did something to better his family's living situation which really shaped him as a great worker. Although Snat had a close friend he still keeps in touch till this day, Ognarn. In fact, Ognarn is apart of the Raguk Clan. Snat had a couple of encounters with the clan but never really involved himself too much with them as his father always claimed that they were a bad influence.
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