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Everything posted by Rojamog

  1. Rojamog


    Graklak was born a few months after the winter season. His parents were just classic Orcs who loved each other. They earned their living from woodcutting and hunting. Therefore, he was experienced in this subject in Graklak and improved himself in this regard. Years later, when Graklak became an adult, he told his father that he wanted to open up to the world. He was 20 years old when he said this and his mother was not alive. Thinking that he would struggle with loneliness when Graklak left, Bazur, the father, took an adventure with Graklak. They had set out to sea with a dinghy boat from an old ship that they had built. For years, they explored together, saw what they wanted to see and experienced. Bazur was in his 70s, his illness relapsed and he died. Graklak, who had buried his father, was 30 years old. He found a land to end his nomadic life and move on to settled life. He lived on the land he found for years and developed himself in fields such as agriculture and animal husbandry. Today, at the age of 36, Graklak wants to explore again, he is eager to see again what he might want to see. reference: Rexdom of Krugmar
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