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Everything posted by Boss_of_Runes

  1. Boss_of_Runes


    The Holocene's were not well off, but certainly not poor either. Living in a small village in the Orenian Empire, the family became prominent due to their lumbering business, however they did not spread further then their small population. But it was enough to live in a decently sized home for a family of three. They lived a more human lifestyle, as that was the majority of their village, and Morwen's father was the head, leading their business and teaching her how to hunt in the first place out of appreciation of their culture. Ever since learning, Morwen spent the majority of her childhood learning the art of archery, spending hours in the nearby woods until she became skilled enough to hunt larger animals like deer. However when reaching her teenage years, her father shifted his attitude to that of a businessman, making the girl focus on learning how his business worked in order to take it over herself one day. Of course, being a teenager, she had no interest in such. She continued her study of archery to a professional level. Her prey became larger, as did her wish for escape. And that answer came when some people in her village began worrying about bandits occasionally stealing livestock and even food. She took on the responsibility to hunt them down, at find where they were located. However, still being young, she was injured in the fray, and those accompanying her had to escort her back to her home as they dealt with the criminals. This angered her father to the point of screaming, and this caused the end of their somewhat positive relationship. Her mother was more sad about the scene, however was far more understanding about her wish to leave. And so, several days later, she helped Morwen pack her things, gave her a small sum to live off of, and only days after her 18th birthday, she left home, not telling her father and leaving her mother solemn but proud. For the next several years, she would travel between villages and provinces within the Orenian Empire, experiencing the many places she never got to see growing up. She continued developing her skills in archery, meeting with other teachers and becoming much more focused on the Longbow. She is still not perfect, however she offers her help and services whenever and wherever she can. Currently, she has begun traveling into larger cities and well-populated areas. Usually she would avoid them, as she did not commonly surround herself with so many at once. But money has become scarce, and she knew one day she would need to face her anxieties head-on.
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