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Posts posted by Akrassia

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Nedai Arvellon


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Eretria Arvellon


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  2. Spoiler


    The air was frigid, and it howled through the branches of the towering evergreens. Snow covered grounds grew darker as the sun began to set upon the land. Wildlife was scarce, the occasional arctic hare scurried along the edge of the forest looking for its burrow. A snowy owl swoops down and snatches the rabbit within its talons, a pitiful squeak echoed out upon the otherwise silent forest.




    When Nedai finally came to, he was alone and disoriented. He had no idea where he was or how he had gotten there. He looked around and saw nothing but endless expanses of snow and ice. The bitter cold was almost too much to bear, and he could feel his fingers and toes going numb. Though he pushed himself and started moving. The wind howled through the trees as Nedai trudged through the snow, his fur-lined cloak flapping behind him. The sun had set hours ago, and the only light came from the moon and stars overhead. He had been out in the cold for days, and his supplies were running low. His goal was simple: survive the elements and make it home. Nedai knew he had to keep moving if he was going to survive. He searched for shelter, but the snow was too deep, and the trees provided little protection from the bitter cold. He pushed on, his breath fogging in the air in front of him. He could feel the cold seeping into his bones, and he knew he had to find warmth soon. As he walked, Nedai remembered the lessons his mother had taught him. He searched for any signs of life, but the cold had driven all the animals away.

    Days turned into weeks, and the harsh cold began to take a toll on Nedai's body. But he never lost sight of his goal. He knew that his survival was not only about proving his worth, but it was also about protecting his loved ones.  As the weeks went by, Nedai began to feel the toll that the harsh conditions were taking on his body. He was losing weight, and his hands and feet were constantly cold. But he refused to give up. He knew that his survival depended on his ability to stay strong and focused.


    One day, as he was crossing a frozen lake, Nedai heard a loud crack. He knew that the ice was about to break, and he quickly tried to make it to the other side. But it was too late. The ice gave way, and Nedai plunged into the freezing water. He managed to grab onto a piece of ice and pull himself out, but he was soaked to the bone and shivering uncontrollably. Nedai knew that he had to find shelter and build a fire to warm himself up. He quickly gathered some dry wood and built a fire, but his wet clothes were making it difficult for him to stay warm. He realized that he would have to take off his clothes and dry them by the fire, even if it meant exposing himself to the harsh elements. Nedai stripped off his wet clothes and huddled by the fire, waiting for them to dry. It was the most difficult thing he had ever done, but he knew that he had to do it if he wanted to survive. The fire slowly dried his clothes, and he was finally able to put them back on and warm himself up.


    A few more days went by before the 'ker decided to keep moving forward with his journey. Supplies were running low and he needed to keep himself active. As he trekked through the snow he found numerous traps and pools of ichor. Steel bolts embedded into trees, chains and traps littered the forest floor.  "Poachers..." the 'ker whispered to himself with distaste. A scowl formed on his face as the vein like tattoos slowly cascaded down his countenance. He fashioned together a crude dagger made of stone and followed their trail as the moon began to rise.


    Nedai crept through the dark, snow-covered forest, his senses on high alert. He knew he was getting closer to the poachers' campsite, and he could hear the sound of their laughter and the sharp cracks of their crossbows in the distance. The moon was hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds, casting the forest into complete darkness. Nedai moved slowly, feeling his way through the trees, using his heightened senses to detect any signs of danger. He could see their campsite now, a small clearing with a few tents and a fire pit. The poachers were gathered around the fire, drinking and boasting about their kills, completely unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. Nedai drew his crude stone dagger, feeling its weight in his hand. He took a deep breath, then charged forward, his dagger glinting in the firelight. The poachers turned, startled by the sudden attack, but the Arvellon was determined. He slashed and stabbed with fierce determination, moving from one target to the next with brutal efficiency. The poachers were caught off guard, but they were also skilled fighters, and they quickly regrouped and began to fight back. Crossbow bolts whistled past the 'ker's head, and he dodged them as best he could. Nedai fought with all the strength he had, but the poachers were relentless. One of them swung a heavy mace at him, and he dodged the blow by the skin of his teeth. He spun around, lashing out with his crude stone dagger, and managed to wound his attacker. But another poacher was already moving in, swinging a heavy ax at Nedai's head. Nedai dodged the blow, but he knew he couldn't keep this up forever. He was bleeding from several wounds, and he could feel his strength beginning to wane. The forest was alive with the sound of steel clashing against steel and the grunts of men locked in deadly combat. The fire cast flickering shadows over the scene, adding to the sense of chaos and danger. Nedai fought on, using his wits and his survival instincts to stay one step ahead of his attackers. He felt another sharp pain as a crossbow bolt grazed his shoulder, but he pushed through the pain and managed to take down another poacher. In the end, Nedai was the last one standing, but he was battered and bruised. He looked around at the carnage he had wrought and felt a sense of satisfaction. He had taken lives, but he knew that he had done what he needed to survive. As he stumbled away from the clearing, he wondered what other horrors the forest held in store for him, and whether he would be strong enough to face them. The night seemed to stretch on forever, and every shadow held the potential for danger. He moved through the forest with a sense of urgency, knowing that he needed to find safety before it was too late.


    After the brutal battle with the poachers, Nedai stumbled away from the scene, his side searing with pain. He knew that he needed to tend to his wounds before he could even think about making the journey back home. With shaking hands, Nedai pulled off his cloak and examined the wound in his side. It was deep and bloody, and he knew that it would require careful attention if he was going to avoid infection. Using his own clothing as bandages, Nedai worked to staunch the bleeding. He winced in pain as he applied pressure to the wound, but he knew that he had to be thorough if he wanted to avoid further injury. Once he had wrapped his side tightly, he took a moment to rest and gather his strength. The night was quiet around him, and he could hear the sounds of the forest stirring in the darkness. Despite the danger that surrounded him, Nedai felt a sense of calm wash over him. He knew that he was alive, and he was grateful for that. As the night wore on, Nedai continued to tend to his wounds, using the limited supplies he had to clean and dress the wound as best he could. He knew that he needed to be in good shape if he was going to make it back home.

    Finally, as the first light of dawn began to break through the trees, the 'ker rose to his feet and began the long journey back to The Vale. The pain in his side was still sharp, but he was determined to make it home. As he stumbled through the forest, Nedai felt a sense of gratitude for the skills he had learned during his journey. And as he thought of the warm embrace of his loved ones waiting for him at home, Nedai felt a sense of hope and determination that carried him through the long and difficult journey back to The Vale.



    After several days of rest and recovery, Nedai felt strong enough to continue his journey back home to The Vale. Despite the physical pain and trauma he had endured, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. With each step, he felt his connection to nature grow stronger. The sound of the wind rustling through the trees, the scent of pine needles and fresh earth, and the sight of the stars twinkling above him all served to remind him of his place in the world. As he journeyed through the forest, he encountered many challenges, but his time spent surviving in the wilderness had taught him how to overcome them. He navigated treacherous ravines and slippery cliffs, fought off wild beasts and avoided dangerous predators. Through it all, he remained focused on his goal of returning home to his loved ones. His mind was filled with thoughts of his family, his partner, and the community that awaited him in The Vale. He longed for the familiar comforts of home, the warmth of a fire, and the embrace of his loved ones. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he emerged from the forest and saw the familiar outline of The Vale in the distance. His heart swelled with joy and relief as he approached the village, knowing that he had overcome incredible obstacles to make it back to where he belonged.


    As he reached the bridge of his settlement, he stumbled and leaned against the railing. Labored breathes and a shaky view was all that was left before he could close the distance. While his wounds were crudely treated, their pain still overcame his senses. "Just a few more steps.." he would think to himself, his legs weakly holding his form up. He took a moment to gather himself before taking another step.. then another.. up until he reached the rooted gates of his home. Placing his fingers in-between the cracks of the roots, his forehead against the gate, he had finally done it. 

    Home, at last.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sorvian Sculpting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Dyonne Alusa


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  4. Papir the southern fish king that resides within Un'Satum sits by the large pyre within the temple. Gathering the many servants and those around to tell a recent tale of a hunt.


    "Gather around all- I have a story to tell! One of valor and great sacrifice!" he exclaim to all who will listen. "Not too long ago my friends, I embarked on a hunt with out very own war-chiefs, and a handful of other residents. We trekked into our own backyard, the heat almost unbearable to some extent. But we persisted anyways! We crossed the river, the pull of the current strong to some, but no match for us! I helped the goblin kid up onto my shoulders as we crossed to insure they didn't get swept away by rouge tides." he pauses for dramatic effect, his hands moving around as he speaks to make it more interesting. "Once we crossed, I loaded my bow as I heard the beat of a million wings upon the horizon. A dark cloud began to shift towards us as Kho screamed for its attention. The rest of us, readied ourselves for battle." his expression shifts to a serious demeanor, as his voice gains a more weighted tone. "I aimed my bow at the cloud of insects and fired, it hit a few but the holes in their defenses patched themselves up like liquid taking shape of a container. I then ditched the bow for my battle axe- I began to swing at the cloud as it engulfed us. But to no avail, the others did what they could to fend them off along side me. But they continued to bite and tear at our flesh. I had no choice but to use my body naturally... I began to crush them all with my weight. My bloodlust at a high as my friends were helplessly getting attacked! It all went red for me.. when I awoke from my rage.. the lotus were dead, hundreds of corpses laid around us.. the sound of those wings ceased." he looks to all around him. Of course all of them in obvious shock to his story. Papir stands and exits the temple... for dramatic effect.

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Abdul Hameed El-Saadeh Nabel Abdelnour


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  6. Name of the Artifact:

             Tattoo Companion Summon


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             Nedai Arvellon


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):



    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:





    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):



    It is a tattoo on the character



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    The tattoo allows the user to summon a companion from the marking imbued with bardmancy magic. The companion would take a physical form however it would appear the color of the ink, and would also appear to be made of ink. Dripping ink from its form, but making no mess. The companion can take the shape of just about any animal smaller than the size of a normal wolf and nothing larger. This would enhance story telling whilst allowing the person to have a companion should they wish.


    [Tattoo Summon]

    The user summons a companion from a magically imbued tattoo enhanced with bardmancy. The tattoo glows in the users aura color as it morphs into a physical form, once fully summoned the users tattoo would turn to their skin tone to appear as if the tattoo has left their arm. Left with a physical manifestation of the animal as a inky companion.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    - The companion is non-combative and will return to its tattoo state when combat initiates on its owner.

    - The companion can only take shape of the mark the users have. 

                         -EX: A crow tattoo can only summon a crow.

    - The companion can only take shape of animals no bigger than your average wolf. Or to be more specific, it must fit within the parameters of less than or equal to: 4 feet long, 3 feet wide, 3 feet tall.


    - You can summon companions of ST played creatures or animals. However they can still not use combative abilities or abilities that would hinder other people. 

                        -EX: A very small dragon companion, can fly around, but can not breathe actual fire. But it can breathe a artistic variation of fire that does not harm or effect the physical space.

    - While the companion does take a physical form, it only takes on good strike for it to be destroyed and returned to its tattooed state.

    - The companion when summoned does use a spell slot, but does not take a slot to return to its owner.

    - They must appear in the color of the ink, and must appear to have a ink like visage to discern it from reality.

    - Druids can not commune with the companion.

    - The companion can not be used to meta game knowledge from others.

    - The companions are not capable of delivering messages or letters.

    - If the companion exceeds a limit of more than 48 meters away, it turns to a puddle of ink and returns to its tattooed state upon their owner.

    - If the companions true form is capable of mimicking speech, the ink form can as well. Though it can only be used when within 20 Meters of its owner.

                            -EX: Parrots, Corvids and a variety of other birds are capable of mimicking speech. But even then it has a distinctive sound that can be discerned differently.

    - If the tattoo somehow gets destroyed the creator can bring the same companion back as long as they go through the process of tattooing it elsewhere on their body.

    - The companion is capable of moving physical objects within limitation to their size, but nothing heavier than what their animal would be naturally be able to.

    - Only one companion can be summoned at a time.

    - Companions can make sounds that the true form may be able to make though much like how they may be able to mimic speech, it sounds slightly off from its normal sound. They can also produce other sounds like music for extra flavor.

    - The ability to create said tattoos does cost more spell slots than the usual 1 it would take to simply use Aesthetic Instrumancy. Creating these tattoos does in fact take 2 spell slots.

    - This ability is solely bound to Nedai Arvellon and cannot be spread to others.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Essentially I wanted to add a cool and flavorful way to contribute to companion and companion rp by using bardmancys Visual Trick and Aesthetic Instrumancy fused together to create a manifested 'Illusion' with physical properties. A fun way to add to performances and story telling while also creating a emotional attachment to permanently be bonded to them. The user is connected to their manapool through-out the tattooing process allowing it to seep into the ink as the user works. Then once the piece is finished, the user creates a mana seal to tie it all together, giving it purpose and life. Creating a bond from the companion and owner for life.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. He returns to his room with a look of melancholy on his face. A dim light illuminates the small expanse from a candle that burns on a stone shelf carved into the caves wall. Various jars spread about, filled with various herbs and liquids. His metal hand reaches for a few of those containers, popping the corks as he prepares to tend to a minor wound. His left unlike the other, flesh and blood- would be covered in crimson ichor. He winces as he pours some unused alcohol on the busted knuckles, quickly applying some salves to halt the bleeding and to ease the pain. Soon heading to exit the room with a roll of cloth, he turns his back on his sanctuary once more.


    As he reaches the balcony of his families home, he wraps his hand with the bandages and expels a huff of frustration. The dark eyed 'ker leans against the railing and looks over the training grounds. Reflecting. He shifts to sit against the wall to face the ocean. The autumnal breeze elicits a shiver from his form even beneath a thick cloak he wore. The air was silent for once, his home quiet for once in a long time it felt. His gaze drifts about trying to focus on something, anything.


    Eventually a crow perches upon the railing before him, staring the Arvellon down. "What do you want?" He says with frustration, a hint of venom in his tone. The crow tilts his head, curious of the mans words. He waves his hands to shoo the avian away- but it remains steadfast. A puff of air emits from his mouth behind gritted teeth. "Who are you to judge- to look at me like that." The man long given up on scaring the bird away only gazes back into its black eyes with his own. His fingers anxiously tap the wooden floor below him as he keeps his sights on the crow. Those hands soon pressed to his eyes with strain and a grunt of vexation. The bird caws at him, beckoning him to face it once more. "Just- please go away, leave me be, let me enjoy the nights air for fucks sake." Removed hands reveal the inked veins under his eyes to have shifted, brows furrowed and directed at the crow, he stands.


    As he approaches the crow it only makes to keep moving on the railing, unthreatened by the mans antics. It stares a hole through him all the while, through his own stone cold gaze, past the ink that covers his original light grey iris. "I'm fine. I'm moving forward- I'm not as helpless as you think alright?!" he scowls at the bird. It caws again, spreading its wings a moment in exaggeration until they fall by its side again. The birds defiance only makes the 'ker question his sanity more in that moment. "Fine- I know I've let down a lot of people. I know I've fucked up. I know I've created rifts in my life that can never be mended fully. What do you want me to do about it!? I'm trying.." . His angered voice lowers as his eyes pinch shut, those veins only creeping further down his face as his emotions begin to flood his psyche. The bird however, stands still cocking its head at him as if he had just insulted him. "Why am I like this.. Why do I insist on ignoring the fires that burn in my life until they surround me?" he keeps his eyes covered in attempt to hide from himself. Slowly retreating back to that wall, he puts his back to it and lets gravity help him back to the ground. A muted sob follows as he keeps his head buried in his arms.


    After a moment passes he looks back up at the bird, which has long left him to fend against his own mind. The mans eyes red, he wipes it a final time before simply just staring outwards towards the slowly setting moon. Its silver reflection bouncing off the waves of the water. His form slouching against the wall in an effort to fix his posture, an effort to regain himself. 



    This was just a small little reflection piece I wanted to write for my character. Enjoy the ramblings of a madman who got bullied by a passing bird.




  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Dyonne Alusa


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Sorvians are constructs made of clay and wood. They are servants to their creators (Sorvian Sculptor), that being said they have free will and are compelled to wander and learn. The are no stronger than a normal human if not weaker due to their lack of bone and clay flesh. Sorvians can die but can be revived if their creator repairs the mask and places it on the husk, or places the mask on a new husk. If the mask breaks their memory is wiped, but if it falls off the husk in tact it can be applied to a new husk. Sorvians can only be healed by a sorvian sculptor when it comes to replacing limbs. They can not feel pain like normal descendants, but they will feel a dull ache where the injury occurred for years at a time. Piercing the chest cavity and or decapitating a sorvian will kill it.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Ibar is a Sorvian about 6 feet tall normally seen wearing robes and rags around his limbs. His mask looks akin to a barn owl. His figure is slender and his posture is straight.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Nedai Arvellon


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is a form of science that deconstructs herbs and other various reagents for things called symbols. These symbols when combined with other symbols and mixing methods create different concoctions. Making said potions can either be easy as mundane extractions, or could be very complicated with multiple steps and cautions throughout the process itself. If done incorrectly it may yield bad reactions or nothing at all. But if done correctly, many potions can be made for a multitude of situations. This makes alchemy a very useful thing to learn, and a very important skill to have.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Alchemy while fairly simple in theory has a few steps to its process. Making the potion takes about 3 steps in total-

    Firstly, you must learn what herbs and other reagents carry the symbols you are looking for. This is probably the longest process however, once you learn it, its easier to refer to later on in your time as a alchemist. Eventually these signs become easier to read and easier to decipher what they're used for.


    Secondly, in order to even begin the process to making a potion you must find the proper reagents and symbols needed. This is done via many different methods depending on the symbol needed. Be it: Mundane, Fire, Earth, Water, Air, etc. All of which have their purposes for the specific symbols you need to acquire.


    Lastly, the mixing process. After you have acquired the needed reagents and base- you can now being to piece it all together to make your potion. However, with so many potions to chose from, there are also many ways you'll have to learn to mix them. Shaking, swirling, stirring, and the likes. Some potions require certain steps to create potions, or an order in which the symbols must be added. 


    All of these steps are important in the process of creating potions and other alchemical processes.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Nedai Arvellon walks into the Vale's alchemy lab with a slight cough. A small bag of various herbs drooped around his shoulder like a satchel. Eventually walking up to the island like table with all of the brewing stands and funnels. Placing the bag onto the table, the 'ker emits a low sigh as he cracks his knuckles. "This damned-" the Arvellons speech is interrupted with a mild cough. Not even a bad one, just inconvenient. "Cough.." he murmurs.

    Nedai Arvellon would then open his satchel and pull out a few herbs: 1 Oracle Wood, 1 Kings Ivy, and 2 Blissfoil. With a grumble he would bring out a mortar and pestle from below the counter.  Scratching the back of his neck as he thinks.

    The 'ker would then begin to add each herb to the mortar and crush them up until he eventually extracted the needed symbols from each reagent he brought. He sets aside 3 vials, each containing different symbols. One holds 4 Mundane Peace, another holds 2 Mundane Order, the last one containing 2 Mundane Sound.  After that he would put two bottles of distilled water onto the brewing stand and light the flame to a low boil.


    Eventually, he would grab a funnel from off the table and place it over the neck of one of the bottles, adding the symbols from within the vials previously into it.  Taking a glass rod and stirring the mixture until the symbols dissolved. A pleased look on his face as he does so, he corks one of the bottles and takes them off the heat.

    Nedai Arvellon then takes the uncorked bottle that has now cooled off a bit and downs the contents of it. Placing the empty flask back on the counter as he wipes his mouth with the not sleeved portion of his left arm. "Gah- this taste horrible..." he would say with a look of utter disgust of the taste of the clear syrup. He shakes his head rapidly to hopefully shake the taste away. Then moves to store the other bottle in his bag for later use. Leaving the lab fairly clean as he begins to walk off.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    A random pupil of Nedai knocks on the seed halls door. "Hey are you home? I need help with something-"

    Nedai Arvellon opens the door before the student can finish his sentence. "Hm? What do you need help with?" the 'ker holds the door open slightly, it may be seen through the gap that he is wearing an apron and the smell of food wafts from the kitchen behind him.


    The student appears shocked at first, never have pinning his teacher to be a cook. "I- um was getting ready for a hunt and I need something to keep me undetected for longer." he would say as he tilts his head to the left to peer past his mentor.


    Nedai Arvellon raises a brow and ushers the student inside to a small lab he has set up in the hall. "We gotta make this quick.. don't want to bread to over bake.."  he says as he flips through a small pocket sized book finding a recipe for a potion designed perfectly for this occasion. "Alright- can you grab three bats-eye bulb, three aqua nymph, and one tippens root from the barrel over there? OH- and some lard.. lots of lard." he motions behind the pupil.


    The student nods and rummages through the barrel and finds the reagents and based asked for. "Alright, now what?" he says with a slight smile upon his face, excited for the next step in the lesson.

    "What do you think we do next?" the Arvellon asks his student. A quirked brow as his black eyes settle on the objects scattered about the countertop, all in which are used for alchemy.

    The pupil purses their lips as they look at the materials required, putting the lard in some bottles as a base. He looks back up to Nedai who is peering over his shoulder for approval.

    "Alright now you need to do mundane extraction for 6 Blindness, 6 Endurance 3 Impediment, and 3 Dark." he places his metal hand on his chin as he observes the students next moves carefully. Placing the other hand out to point to the mortar and pestle on the counter.

    "Right- Right." the student murmurs as he begins to crush the herbs into fine powders, plucking out the symbols needed and putting them in respective vials off to the side. 


    The 'ker emits a hum of approval. "Right- im sure you understand the next steps perfectly." he states with a smile as he gestures to the brewing stand, with three bottles of lard sitting with it.


    The student nods once more and gets back to work, putting the bases on their stands and letting them heat up for a good while before adding a funnel to the neck and adding the right amount of symbols into each bottle. 2 Blindness, 2 Endurance, 1 Impediment, and 1 Dark per flask. Allowing the symbols to dissolve completely as they stir it with a glass rod. Eventually once the concoction started to look like a murky oil he stops stirring and corks the bottles. Letting it off the heat.

    "Great- wonderful work!" he gives the student a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "This is called a Scent Mask, when applied it will mask the smell of you and your armor. But as soon as it makes contact with water or it starts to rain it will run." he warns. Handing the pupil the bottles as he begins to escort them out.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If my student is power-gaming I would inform them of the consequences of such actions and advice and guide them to not do it again. Showing them the proper ways to go about emoting with alchemy and the likes. If this behavior consist, they would be removed as my student entirely and likely report it to moderation to be safe.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             I have not applied prior.

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