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Everything posted by polnareffe

  1. polnareffe


    Henry was born to relatively middle class parents, who worked as salesmen in the Orenian Empire. He grew up with a small circle of friends and helping out his father in the marketplace in Providence. His father granted him a low monthly pension as a result of this, which gave Henry the opportunity of buying books at the local library. From then on, he visited the library regularly and read about the rich history of the world, which soon lead him to discover the field of politics. He got picked up on it relatively quickly but before he could read up any longer, the War of Two Emperors began and his family had to flee. They fled to the nearby Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska where they settled down after a few years. His father didn't have any plans to return to the Orenian Empire and so Henry felt safe in continuing his research.Once Henry had graduated from the village school, he had enough skills to begin writing. He saw the immorality and unethical nature of the world, the sheer unfairness of it all. There were rich nobles, poor families and wars galore. He sought to make any impact at all, by simply criticizing the Absolute Monarchy of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. He began publishing articles condemning the act of Absolutism and Autocracy and he advocated for the separation of power and for the creation of a constitution. Of course, these articles didn't reach very far or make a big impact, but the damage had been done and the Government had set their sights on him. They decided to eradicate any unloyalty to the Government at it's root before it had time to flourish into a widespread rebellion and so he was hunted down. He narrowly escaped capture one night at his village home - though his parents weren't too lucky. They were executed and Henry was forced into exile, back to the Orenian Empire. He was absolutely devastated and feared for his life in the Orenian Empire as well, thinking they were after him as well. He would disappear for a few months to recollect himself before blending back into usual life in Providence, though this time with a dream and motivation to pursue politics and enact change once and for all, be it successful - or not.
  2. polnareffe


    Henry was born to relatively middle class parents, who worked as salesmen in the Orenian Empire. He grew up with a small circle of friends and helping out his father in the marketplace in Providence. His father granted him a low monthly pension as a result of this, which gave Henry the opportunity of buying books at the local library. From then on, he visited the library regularly and read about the rich history of the world, which soon lead him to discover the field of politics. He got picked up on it relatively quickly but before he could read up any longer, the War of Two Emperors began and his family had to flee. They fled to the nearby Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska where they settled down after a few years. His father didn't have any plans to return to the Orenian Empire and so Henry felt safe in continuing his research. Once Henry had graduated from the village school, he had enough skills to begin writing. He saw the immorality and unethical nature of the world, the sheer unfairness of it all. There were rich nobles, poor families and wars galore. He sought to make any impact at all, by simply criticizing the Absolute Monarchy of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. He began publishing articles condemning the act of Absolutism and Autocracy and he advocated for the separation of power and for the creation of a constitution. Of course, these articles didn't reach very far or make a big impact, but the damage had been done and the Government had set their sights on him. They decided to eradicate any unloyalty to the Government at it's root before it had time to flourish into a widespread rebellion and so he was hunted down. He narrowly escaped capture one night at his village home - though his parents weren't too lucky. They were executed and Henry was forced into exile, back to the Orenian Empire. He was absolutely devastated and feared for his life in the Orenian Empire as well, thinking they were after him aswell. He would disappear for a few months to recollect himself before blending back into usual life in Providence, though this time with a dream and motivation to pursue politics and enact change once and for all, be it successful - or not.
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