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  1. AxisZ


    Celestia was born in the deep ends of Nor'asath as a single child, to parents who took care of her very well, despite their poor financial footing. She was not allowed to go out and play with her friends, as her parents feared that she would fall victim to a crime. One day, Celestia complained to her parents, that she wanted to go outside and experience what every other kid around her had been experiencing. In response to this, Celestia's parents decided to take on more jobs. They wanted to work their way out of the broken city to make their only daughter happy. However, this meant that Celestia only saw her parents in the early mornings and the late nights, leaving Celestia even more lonely. Celestia's unhappiness eventually grew to the point where she decided that she would sneak out of the house while her parents were out working. The first few times she did this were very eventful, she met a young elven boy who she would start a great friendship with. Every time Celestia snuck out, she'd meet up with this boy and they'd go everywhere together. One desolate evening, she was waiting for the boy as per her usual routine, but he never showed. She soon learned that the boy had fallen into a deep crater and perished. This experience showed her how quickly everything could be taken away from someone, and from that day she decided to live every day to the fullest. Soon after this, her parents had accumulated enough money to send young Celestia off into the real world. However, there was only enough money to support Celestia's departure and not her parent's, which greatly saddened her but there was nothing she could've done.
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