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Kazzul deepcall

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Everything posted by Kazzul deepcall

  1. Kazzul deepcall


    Kazzul deep call was born in the grand hold of Karaz Ankor, 96 years before present time, his father was the brother of the king and his mother was the daughter of a great dwarven general. they both lived to the ripe age of 120 until the hold of Karaz Ankor was sieged by a great army of orcs, thousands of them could be seen over the horizon by the garrisoned dwarves, both his mother and father were killed in cold blood his father protecting his wife till he was impaled by orc blades. they got threw the grand entrance with ease with massive war machines of steel. the king Barathul Deepcall fought valiantly protecting the body's of his kin from foul orcs but he was struck down by many arrows; they stuck his body on a pike and paraded him around like a banner; his crown falling from his head and onto the ground and stampeded by a many foes. they sent message after message to the holds of men and elves, but friendships come to an end they had failed the dwarves. But there was hope for the dwarves of Karaz a young skilled dwarf was filled with rage and hate towards the orcs he watched his mother and father get slaughtered but he was pulled back by his kin. with a small group of dwarves he fought threw an army to the only other entrance there was a hidden door of pure mithril incrusted with dwarven sorcery opening for the company of dwarves and closing for the army of orc trampling over each other to get to them. they travelled for many days until they arrive at a thriving city of dwarves The Grand kingdom of Urguan
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