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Everything posted by sophhiie

  1. sophhiie


    Soh was born in the region of Oltremont as the youngest of four siblings borne to two humans. The family was relatively well-off, however Soh often felt that her efforts to contribute to their wellbeing were belittled by her siblings and parents. Furthermore, she felt as though she was not fit to take up the mantle of business as her siblings had (all of whom had gone on to being merchants across Oren). After her twentieth birthday she set off across the border to Yong Ping, much to the disbelief of her family, with the intent of proving that she could succeed on her own two feet without their help. She quickly fell in love with the culture of the Jade State, participating in their numerous festivals and arts showcases and eventually hoping to find work in a tea shop. It was there that she believed that she found her calling, and promised herself that she would make enough money from her own business that her family would be forced to acknowledge her capabilities to be independent. She still exchanges letters with the rest of her family, despite their constant requests for her to return home, and occasionally accepts the help they offer her. Soh values many beliefs held in Yong Ping, specifically those stating the older generation is to be respected by the younger, so while her parents can be a little overbearing she does not resent them and appreciates their efforts to make sure that she's taken care of.
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