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Everything posted by SoVeryViolin

  1. SoVeryViolin


    Vio grew up in a fairly ordinary elven household in the Silver State of Haelun'or. He was a curious child and often spent his time satiating his curiosity at the bustling Maehr'tehral Trade District, where he observed various merchandise and wares he had never seen before. He had difficulty forming relationships with those around him, except when they had something interesting to teach him. Eventually, the Trade district failed to satisfy Vio's curiosity and he began spending the majority of his time in the Eternal Library, reading books and scrolls on everything and anything he could find. He found that he was particularly interested in the texts that mentioned magic and alchemy and soon became driven to learn more about these particular topics. Upon reaching the age of 21, Vio decided it was time to explore the world and learn about his interests in a less theoretical setting and moved to Elysium.
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