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Everything posted by Asherthegreat

  1. Asherthegreat


    I once lived in a very peaceful forest, I had friends who I ran through the trees with, but I was abused by my family you see, my father was an old assassin and by the age of 5 he started my training, he was tough on me and my friends, and one day he ended up killing one of them in the years to come I progressed very quickly and went on many missions, then the scouts came searching for warriors for the army they said if I didn’t come with them every one I loved would perish, so I left with them to the capital, I couldn’t stop staring at all the homeless people and thinking to myself, why don’t these people share with them? Why are they left with nothing? The scouts took me to the barracks and told me to wait there, and that’s where I met Ayla, a warrior and someone who would become my friend and partner in the future, of course there wasn’t much happening maybe a job here and there, so I left and went back to my assassin life, but that’s when the message came, the message that my family was killed in a attack, after that I went on a rampage killed every guard in sight and eventually left the city, I was a wanted man and when they found me they took me in to the authorities, they said they would forgive me for my crimes (which I was surprised by) if I worked for them, and only them of course I said yes, then I skipped town…again and here I am now
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