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Everything posted by Lulziy

  1. Lulziy


    For the first few years of Estellar Starlight's life, he flourished as a social butterfly living in Haelun'or, and acted as the co-leader of a group of fellow high-elf children from the Silver State, alongside his childhood best-friend Tannivh Grayorin, together they were fascinated with the way of life that the Wood Elves led, and many a time they sailed out to explore the mysteries held within the forests of Elvenesse. Each sunset, when the dusk started to set in, Estellar and Tannivh led their group home and went to sleep weary with excitement over the possibilities that tomorrow held. In his early years, Estellar bathed in the light of blissful ignorance, until slowly, as he aged, a darkness and difficulty began to take hold of all that once seemed bright and easy. Shutting himself away, perplexing his friends with his change in demeanour, Estellar enforced a distance between himself and Tannivh, and the two companions grew apart, eventually ceasing to speak at all. Where the forest of the Wood Elves once seemed like a door to another world, Estellar peered out his window from his house in Karinah'siol and now saw something dark and uninviting in that wilderness. Where he once found intrigue, he now found nothing at all. As life passed him by, Estellar retreated into himself and built up walls to keep the world away. At its worst, the curse almost rid the world of Estellar completely, but they say the darkest hour is the one before dawn, and recently, Estellar has begun to pull through what seemed like an impenetrable veil of darkness, and now he seeks the light once more. In order to one day find who he truly was, he knew he first had to lose his last remaining ties. His high-elf family, the Starlights. To make it easier on himself, Estellar wrote a goodbye letter to his parents and elder sisters, then fled his childhood home to venture out into the beyond, changing his name from Starlight to Evergreen. The stars he had spent countless nights staring up at couldn't save him, and neither could the way of life that the High Elves would have provided for him, he knew that now. So Estellar took his new name in the Wood Elf style, to honour the fascination he and Tannivh had held for them, and to reference what he hoped to one day become, a mighty tree, with roots that could weather any storm, and a canopy that never lost its colour. Estellar fled from his place in High Elf society and sought refuge in the forests of Elvenesse, amidst the foliage where all his childhood memories remained. Estellar knew he might never again reunite with the friends he had long lost, but the pain of yesterday did not negate the potential of tomorrow. While he may be cursed and alone, Estellar found hope in knowing that destiny had not yet forsaken him, and one day he may find Tannivh again, but deep down Estellar knew the only one who would save him now would be himself.
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