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  1. Wilvahelm


    Rodion “Rod” Petrogradshniydom Kuritnid Kruassanovich was born in the Kingdom of Oren to a Highlander family. Rodion's father was a huntsman and his mother seamstress who spent most of their days working to provide for their family. He was one of eight children, the fourth child of them all, and thus was generally left to his own devices. As a child, he never received a full education, though his mother taught him how to both read and write. From his teenage years, Rodion became a lumberjack, working at a lumber mill not far from their family home. Without him knowing, he had started the career that he would hold for (almost) the rest of his life. During which, at age 19, he met his wife Zinaida Yurin. He married her not longer later, at age 20. From there, they briefly moved to more densely urbanized areas. Through this period, Rodion worked in construction. When he was 26, the pair had their first child. However, by this time, Rodion began to slip into old habits that his father once had. That was drinking. His excessing alcoholism lead to problems, both in the family and with his work. After two years, he was fired from his job for being disorderly and the family were forced to move back into the woods. Rodion re-joined his old workers in the lumber mill, leading to a steady yet meagre income. By the time the couple had their second child, his own drinking issues had not been solved. He had become a very hardened worker, but this had tampered his enjoyment for work and slowly, his faith in the political system began to wane. At the age of 40, he became a devoted Sanoist, the ideology of authoritarian socialism - his spirit kindled by their message of putting the workers first in all matters. Although with the passing of the ideology, he has kept some of the core tenants of the belief and wants to take them further.
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