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Everything posted by Agrypnos

  1. Agrypnos


    Maehrir'siol was born in Aegrothond to two dark elf parents. Her parents were travelers who never stayed in one place to long. She never really had many friends, because she was always traveling with her parents she was a very lonely child. When she was fifteen her parent passed through a forest near the edge of the war nation krug they caught glimpses of the goblins and oologs. After her parents told her tales of the orc-elf war and how the goblins while smaller were crucial to the orcs fight with their strategies and their intelligence. This made Maehrir'siol begin to fear and crave knowledge at the same time. As is customary to the dark elves she was taught swordsmanship and martial arts by her father from a young age. The lack of consistent learning materials caused Maehrir'siol to take more to the art of the blade. From the years she spent training she gained an above average ability with the blade. All of her other necessary education was carried out by her mother and any temporary teacher that was available while they weren't actively changing locations. traveling from a young age she had many diffrent teachers from many diffrent races and walks of life by the age of 19 she had a very basic understanding of elvish speak and dwarvish
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