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Everything posted by EmilySpratt

  1. EmilySpratt


    She was born in a Human/Halfling Village, from a Human mother and a Dwarven father given the name Borghild. Born light in weight and short in size, Borghild was bullied in school and church. Distrusting of the church as her parents had been, she stopped attending churches young. Driven by the beatings she took in school Borghild started training with a bow and started making steady progress in this skill, until one day she discovered a lone traveler who preformed and constantly used Magic! She wanted to learn how and asked the traveler to tutor her, of which the traveler declined stating he has bigger business to be getting to. This drove Borghild to attempt to learn how to do magic on her own, of which she has yet to discover until the age of 14 with not much mana in her to do massive spells, she could muster small water based spells at the cost of her hunger. At the age of 15 she met Ugisar who had traveled to her village to sell his father's harvest. Ugisar was 16 at the time but the pair found intrest in each other and agreed to meet every year until the age of 20 when Ugisar could marry Borghild. Tragedy would befall the couple as Ugisar would be slain by a criminal dark elf while he was moving his food cart to the yearly market, dying at the age of 19. Upon hearing of this Borghild grew to hate and fear Elves as she saw them to be dangerous. Borghild gained a friend in Ugisar's sister who had attended her brother's funeral like Borghild had. The sister named Valuki had tried to make ends meet after her brother died with her father growing ill. Valuki asked Borghild to help her work at the farm, and would pay her for the help, Borghild having no job or money of her own, agreed. Working as a farm hand Borghild gained great physical strength for a woman. after 5 years of work she saved money and was looking to move away from her home village. She had heard of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, its' original failure and it nearly being taken over from within, had managed to keep hold of their power and reform. She wanted to join and live in a kingdom with such resolve.
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