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  1. XadesFN


    Lunar (Lularius Phagarus Daldoy) is a 52kg, 5'10 Elf who was born in the suburbs of Staddle. The only child. His father died by working a late night shift at the miners den. Suffered from lack of oxygen while the rocks in the mines shattered is lungs making him unable to breathe. His mother died by a kingsman hand while he watched her death knowing she was wrongfully sentenced. Lunar was very perculiar, very acceptable to some people but never to the authorities or such. The public forces and the kings made him thought they can manipulate their power against people like him. Corruption, what he hates. Caused a scene at Mischief's Godlocks School (Where he studied) because of it and interested a couple "strangers" who became his 4 and only friends. Named, Bylar, Vox, Intigo and Sharlette. All elves too.
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