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  1. Kman77


    I was born in a quaint village in in the east of the Kingdom of Haense. I was an Adunian by blood. I was raised by my mother and father, I also had a brother named Tarmovir, and a friend named Cirion, who has continued with me throughout my adolescent life. Me and my brother were educated by my parents. At the age of ten, my mother was mistaken as a demonic necromancer, and was sentenced to execution. I was forced to watch as my mother was killed by her own people. After this, my brother, Tarmovir went into a deep state of depression. To remedy this, my father sent him off to the Elvish Kingdom of Elvenesse. I have not seen him since. My father and I stayed however. My father taught me how to use a sword and a bow, and I quickly mastered these skills. I have vowed to my mother to fight against evil, corruption and injustice. When I was eligible I signed up for the military. I met many friends and comrades there, and many have been killed since. I am still in the military up to this day.https://pm1.narvii.com/6500/10dc70c8303cb6ef46e368c0414f2a78592e10af_00.jpg
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