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Everything posted by Naryshkin

  1. Naryshkin


    As far back as Albrecht can remember he always was ready for a fight, a characteristic that got him into much trouble as a young lad on the backstreets of New Providence. Many a day a young Albrecht would drag himself back to his mother, battered and bruised from a long day of fighting for scraps amongst the gutters of the great city. Born to an impoverished and ailing barmaid, Albrecht did not exactly have a pleasant infancy, he spent most of his youngest years either sick or going hungry, his mother hardly able to provide food enough for the both of them. As soon as he could Albrecht was out on the alleys and backways of New Providence, begging and doing odd jobs in an effort to bring back extra money. It was during this time that the young boy came to realise, nothing came to those who did not go out and take it. As he aged he came into the service of an elderly clerk, doing odd jobs around his office and running errands for the man. In return he taught the young Albrecht his letters, a source of pride for him. Eventually though he was replaced by a more capable assistant and went back to the streets. A seemingly ever present force as he grew up was his father, though he had never met the man his mother made sure to inform him that he was a fellow of standing, though Albrecht doubted this his mother enforced it strictly, always reprimanding the young lad for not acting as he should, eventually taking this to heart Albrecht made sure to always carry himself in the most courteous fashion, impressing many. Eventually Albrecht wished to set out into the world, a longing for adventure driving him to leave his mother. Seeing this she presented him with a well kept set of armour, polished and of upstanding quality, she informed him it was his fathers. Albrecht donned it with pride, and after gathering a pack full of kit and promising his return to his mother he set out into the world, for the first time in his life leaving the great city of his youth and making for the open road, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, one thing was sure though, this was to be a great journey!
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