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  • Character Name
    Cassiopeia Belmont
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  1. HannnahBaker


    Cassiopeia was born to a well off family. They had a nice house and lots of farmland. Cassiopeia was only 1 year old when her dad had to go on an expedition. During the dads trip he knocked up a women who gave birth to her half sister, Andromeda. Cassiopeia's father never returned from his trip. Her mom has pampered her since birth. Buying her the nicest clothes and the tastiest food. Cassiopeia never lived a day where she felt unsatisfied. At the age of 18, Bandits broke into her home and raided it of all her valuable possessions. Cassiopeia and her mom fled on horseback. The bandits did not see her leave in her finest of silk cloak. Cassiopeia and her mom had notified the guards and stayed the night at her friends house. When she returned to her home the next day. She had noticed that everything she had loved was taken from her. Her money, clothes, jewelry, and her shoes. She knew that if she did not find a way to get these possessions back that she would have to work for her money. This then lead her on a search for the bandits. Early in to her search she runs into a young woman. Her and this woman did not get along but they traveled together because both feared of being alone. they both knew they hated each others guts. This woman would later be revealed as her half sister, Andromeda.
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