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Everything posted by Cosmique

  1. Cosmique


    Cosmique was born from a wonderful woman, everyone in the village where she grew up absolutely adored her. They showered with her gifts, wrote her poems, the bards even wrote her and sang her songs. One day as Cosmique' mother was walking down the dirt, dusty path in the village, a man screamed her name "Qetsiyah! Ma'am!" Qetsiyah quickly turned around in fright hoping she didn't drop something. As she turned around she started to notice this man was quite a charmer, as he asked her to walk with him in the flower fields near the village she quickly said "Yes, but will I ever know your name?" "I am sorry madam, Auguste" He replied. After they met at the flower fields that one time they kept going back, everyday at exactly 4:00PM. Soon 3 months went by.. As Qetsiyah feared.. She was with child. She spoke with Auguste about it, he was thrilled to be welcoming in a baby girl or boy into the world with Qetsiyah. A couple months have passed by and Qetsiyah is having the child. A long 26 Hours went by and a beautiful baby girl was born. Unfortunately Qetsiyah passed away due to complications with the birth. Auguste, he vowed he will never let anything to happen to their baby.. He soon went to fight the evil that has been slowly taking over the village in hopes it will protect Cosmique and the other women and children in the village. As years went by, Cosmique 21, soon starts to fight the evil by her dads side. A fight turns bad and Auguste gets a dagger to his heart. Cosmique grabs her father and runs to the nearest healer in her village, but Auguste dies before she gets there. As she is crying over her fathers dead corpse, she swears to him she will stop the evil not only in the village but in all of the realms he spoke so highly of. 3 Years passed as she is traveling from realm to realm defeating the evil that has been lurking over so many villages, she finds one realm she was taken by its beauty, it is known as "Lord Of The Craft".
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