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  1. GamerBoss6666


    When Yotgrum was growing up his parents never had an accent so he doesn't have one and grew up in an american-ish country. He has a best friend that he basically grew up with both not being very smart but being exact opposites. Parents not really teaching him much but always supportive. Yotgrum grew pu in a small suburban area not really sea bad things at least not often. Yotgrum was never very smart in anyway except that sometimes he actually has genius level IQ. Now he has come to the Grand Kindom of Urguan because its more populated then his home town. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan had promising things like how they previously allied with humans in one of the wars which Yotgrum liked and tried to get his best friend to come with him but failed.
  2. GamerBoss6666


    When Yotgrum was growing up his parents never had an accent so he doesn't have one and grew up in an american-ish country. He has a best friend that he basically grew up with both not being very smart but being exact opposites. Parents not really teaching him much but always supportive. Yotgrum grew pu in a small suburban area not really sea bad things at least not often. Yotgrum was never very smart in anyway except that sometimes he actually has genius level IQ. Now he has come to the Grand Kindom of Urguan because its more populated then his home town. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan had promising things like how they previously allied with humans in one of the wars which Yotgrum liked and tried to get his best friend to come with him but failed.
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