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Everything posted by domi__btw

  1. domi__btw


    I was born in a small house in a little village on the countryside. I was the fifth and youngest child of the family of Duras. Since I can remember i was always treated like trash. Every time I didn't do well at school or didn't manage to do house chores my father used to tell me what a disappointment I was or he hit me and left me crying. My mother just watched and never tried to say anything and my other siblings didn't really care like everybody else I met my entire life. I always tried to do better, to work harder and more often but it was never enough. Now after 19 years in this horrible environment I have decided to leave and to live my own life without people who never liked me anyway. I'm on my way to the city of Karosgrad the capital of Haense and join the army. I will show them and most importantly me what I'm capable of and bring honor and glory to this name. The world shall know the name Alexandru Duras.
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