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Thomas Feather

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Everything posted by Thomas Feather

  1. Thomas Feather


    Delmuth Greenleaf, son of Langdron Greenleaf, Son of Legolas Greenleaf was born in a small elven hut on the edge of the forest. Because of his lineage, he soon became well know around the area and soon started to show some of the skill handed down in his genes from his grandfather - he was incredibly fast and agile. However in his young years, he was bullied by some of the older elves because they saw him as a threat to their fame and renown in the area. This lead Delmuth to harbour anger up in himself. However, his Grandfather - Legolas, saw what was happening and introduced Delmuth to the bow at a very young age. Soon he began to excel at this as well leading him to gain such a reputation with the bow that the previous bullies were now afraid of him. However unfortunately Delmuth quickly began to become concietful about his skill as a warrior, and this lead to a series of events in his late 40's where he was kicked out of the Isles of Almenor. For a couple of years he wandered the face of Almaris before he found out the the orcs were plotting an attack on his people. And with this news he is heading home in the hope of being reaccepted into his realm and hopefully elevated to the role of king's bodyguard.
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