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  1. Xandiron


    Xin was born in the small Village of Guilimid in the Holy Oren empire's sparsely populated western frontiers. He has forgotten much of his early childhood, he remembers a Mother and a Farther and 4 siblings; he was the Oldest sibling and expected inheritor of the Family mining company, his farther being the owner of a successful iron mine. Xin lived in rural prosperity and a relatively comfortable existence, that was until 'it' arrived, the shadow of death, the Gods great punishment; The Plague. Xin watched as his family was slowly consumed by the disease, to witness death at such a young age emotionally traumatized the boy and is to blame for his fear of death and his Germaphobia. Without an inheritance or a family, Xin was whisked away by criminals to act as a street boy, but even then the gang was arrested and its members hung, leaving Xin alone on the streets of Providence; For three long years. When he was 12 However, having become accustom to taking up odd jobs to feed himself, Xin came across a book. Unable to read and instructed to hand the book over to the expectant client, Xin was about to hand over the book, when a voice in the back of his mind told him to open it. Attempting to resist, yet inevitably failing, Xin opened it and gazed up its majesty. A surge of power rushed through his veins as the ancient passages and proverbs illuminated with a haunting blue tome. From that moment, Xin was seemingly possessed by the knowledge within that book. Its currently unknown by all those that know Xin as to whether Xin a a person still has a will of his own or whether the so called 'Codex of the 9' has completely dominated his mind as a puppet master, forcing its will. However, in truth Xin as he was known is gone, however; the Codex has merely merged with Xin, forming a new person driven by a combination of Xin's trauma and the eldritch machinations of a text written by an unknown author.
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