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    Wood Elf
  1. Sakethur


    Sauil was born in the Vale of Nevaehlen to his family of a mother, a father and a sister. He still lives in the Vale, but hasn't heard of his family for a while now, leaving their current life situations unknown to him. In his youth, Sauil was a fierce hunter and an excited candidate of the Wood Elven military, specifically attempting to become one of the Gladeguard, but was ultimately denied. Since his rejection, he started to distance himself from other people, such as his parents and sister as well as any of the friends he had back then. This in turn led him to become extremely cautious of other people, doing things on his own and wandering around without a real purpose. During one of these rather depressing days, he saw one of the Aspects, Morea. Well he felt, sensed and heard It rather than directly seeing It. Whatever happened in that moment, it filled Sauil with new motivation, new strength and new goals. He would seek new people to meet, perhaps one day attempt to join the Gladeguard again or maybe even trying to find his sister...
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