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  1. Dayes


    Vessan was born an orphan to poverty and nomadic life, born in the country side of Oren she has spent most of her life there. She has never had much to her name besides what is necessary to live and for even that she has to toil. She longs for a place in the world in which she belongs and thrives. She wants to see herself as a person of repute and achieve something in order to prove to herself that she wasn't born for nothing. Vessan has spent the majority of her life in the wilderness, hunting and foraging. Her younger years were spent in an orphanage with barely enough to go around for the children living there. Over years of practice and experience in the wilds and on the muddy streets of rural towns she has learned to be quiet and stealthy but it has also effected her social disposition, making her mostly quiet and dissociated. She has developed a love for animals and while she still very much loves people and their company her time alone has made her bitter and restless. She wants nothing else than to break free of her isolation and reinvent herself as someone with ambition and most importantly a destiny. Vessan wears a light tunic over some armour she has cobbled together from looted and restored pieces of half plate. She dresses this way not only for utility but because it is her way of feeling like she is put together and not just another street rat. In her mind it's sort of like a uniform. She wears a wreath through her hair because she feels it is the crown that the wilds have owed her. (Her design is partially inspired by Sophitia from SoulCalibur) Vessan is a character that is mostly a blank slate to be written on and moulded by experiences and interaction with the server. She is a character that will be most often in flux, I bring my own flavour to her of course but I want her to be a fresh and mostly inexperienced person so she can be a medium for me to experience the server as a newbie. I hope that makes sense.
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