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  1. Lhand


    Ryland was born and raised in a small Asiatic settlement in the far south eastern part of the world. They were, for the most part, invisible to the eyes of the larger, more powerful nations that surrounded them. While things were rather simple, Ryland sought for more. In his quest for fame and fortune, the lowly young lad traveled at the ripe age of 18, venturing forth towards unknown lands. Soon enough, he found out the hard way that what he did was very much unwise. Robbed by orcish bandits in the midst of his journey, Ryland's bright, optimistic outlook in life became far darker; knocking some sense and reality to his irrational fantasies. Stripped off of everything he had, he was sacked, en route towards his new fate as a slave to be sold for the Rexdom of Krugmar. However, as though fortune favored him, he escaped. With his arms and feet still bound, Ryland rolled downhill off of the bandits' caravan as they traversed a cliffside road. He survived, however was gravely injured by his stunt, unable to properly treat himself until he had ran far enough towards safety. As days went by with his travels, Ryland became more and more desperate, clinging with what leftover hope he had in him.
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