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  1. Patmanimeime


    Valeriel was born in Nevaehlen, Vale. She spent a good childhood with loving parents, her brother Sauiil and three very close friends of hers. After she had angered one of said friends, their group started to break as everyone slowly went their own ways. Her brother also left at quite young age to live alone. After that Valeriel hasn't seen or heard of him and to this day she doesn't know where he is and what he is up to. After all that happened, she had a lot of alone-time so she started studying and in the end she spent most of her time reading and learning. She got especially interested in brewing and potions, which inspired her later to open a shop where she sells brewing materials and tests out new recepies for potions, of which the succesful ones she sells. The shop isn't well known, but it gets her enough money to support her living in the outskirts of Nevaehlen where she has been living for a little over 2 years now. There she gets to live in much calmer area but is still close enough to her parents to be able to lend a helping hand if ever needed.
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