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Everything posted by Allius

  1. Allius


    Allius was born an orphan, his parents died trying to stop the destruction of their home of Freeport. Allius was raised by a kind scholar and was well liked by his new adopted family. During a battle with a magic user, he was badly damaged. The scholar brought him to a master surgeon, who worked with the local blacksmith to craft magical prostetics for Allius, which saved his life. He regularly returned to the blacksmith, and became an inventor. He even fell in love with the blacksmith's daughter, and married after 2 years. Unfortunately, when Allius's wife went to tell him about the news, she and the unborn child were killed right in front of him. This triggered something in Allius, and awoken a spiritual beast with in him, turning him into an armored beast. When he finally calmed down and changed back, he was arrested and served time, but was released early for good behavior. He became good friends with an assassin named Dragonis, and they regularly worked together. He is now wandering the globe, looking for answers.
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