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Everything posted by Siotu

  1. Siotu


    Daughter of a well-respected farmer and skilled textile maker, Nadia Kaneen grew up in the lands ruled by the Caliphate, which were all she'd ever known growing up. It was only after a war ravaged her small village that she and her family were displaced from their home, forcing them to live as nomads. Through her experiences with the loss of childhood friends through war, poverty, and disease, Nadia made it her mission to bring these issues to the attention of those in power, who seemed to be doing nothing for the people who needed the most help during dire times. At the age of 18, while others were making the pilgrimage to their Holy Land, Nadia set out to fulfill what she believed to be her divine quest. While devastated to leave her mother, father, and little brother, she also felt a sense of excitement to finally see the world that had been closed off to her for so long. She wondered if the lands she read about in books were real and if the stories that her relatives would tell her weren't complete fantasy. Nadia would take on jobs in order to make ends meet during her journey, but she promised herself to never lose sight of her goals: she wants to help her community and family as well as to ensure that no one would have to go through the same kind of suffering that she had endured.
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