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    Targon Elias
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  1. OldNut


    When he was young, Targon Elias lived in Providence. When his parents, two merchants, died of illness (though he suspects the involvement of dark magic), he decided to look to the merchant family the Elias family with under. He seduced the merchant's daughter, Ekatrinya, and eventually came to control vast amounts of wealth, even dealing with nobles of the Holy Orenian Empire. Although he was exceptionally skilled, and the frontman for the merchant company, his wife was still the one truly in control. She was not unaware of his aspirations of climbing the social ladders of the Empire using her name, and made sure to constantly pressure him. Targon's pride could not handle not being in control of his own self, and sought spiritual refuge with women in the city. Once he realized that Ekatrinya was on the brink of discovering his actions, he fled to The Unified Domain of Vortice (Talon's Port), hoping to repeat his climb in this new city, this time free from a woman's control. His skills in money-handling and law will prove helpful. He must make haste though, as Ekatrinya has gotten to know of his adultery, and is scouring everywhere for him.
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