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Everything posted by jw.dr

  1. jw.dr


    Laylani was born in a small town near the woods. She lived there with her parents and her older sister Aquaria, who was 6 when Laylani got born. A couple years later she het little sister Euphemia was born. Laylani was now 4 years old. When Laylani was a little girl she loved to play in the woods with her little sister. One day they were climbing a tree, but something terrible happened, her sister slipped en fell out of the tree. Laylani started panicking and climbed down to look if her sister was okay. She yelled her name, Euphemia, but she didn't respond. When she was down she ran to the body of her little sister and started screaming for her parents, but she was too far away from the house. She lifted the lifeless body of Euphemia and walked back home as fast as she could. At home she would scream for her parents as hard as she could. Than her mom and dad ran outside and asked her what happend. When they saw the body of Euphemia, their 4 year old daught, they were shocked. In the years after the accident Laylani's parents started to slowly abandon her. When she was 14 her parents kicked her out of the house. Laylani wandered around the woods for a while, until she found a little house near the border between the desert and the woods. When she knocked on the door a sweet older woman opened the door. The woman offered her a place to stay and some made food for her. After living with the woman for a couple years Laylani learned a lot about plants. One day the woman asked her to gather some plants with her and handed her a basket, a glove and a knife. "Some plants have nasty thorns, so wear the gloves", the woman said before they left. First they went into the forest and gathered berries and other kinds of fruit and edible plants. They also gathered some plants who had other purpuses, like Beard Weed for hair growth and Bissfoil for relieving pain. After that she went to the desert for berries from the Desert berry bush, the thorns on the withered bush looked pretty sharp, so she decided to put on her gloves to pick the berries. When they walked back towards the edge of the woods she found a plant she never saw before. It looked like a red vine with thorns grewing in the shadow of a big stone. She walked to the plant and carefully tried to cut of a piece. "Laylani, what are you doing near the Drake's tail ?", the woman would say very shocked as she tried to pull her away from the plant. While she pushed her she accidentally got pricked by the plant. "I didn't know what it was so I wanted to ask you", Lelani replies, "What's wrong?". "well, this plant is very dangerous, whoever pricks on the thorns will get fever and end up in a coma", explained the woman. Laylani startled and started crying. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know", she would say while sobbing. "My dear, it's my fault. I should've explained it to you, but I thought they grew farther away", the old lady would say, "Can you promise me one thing Laylani?". Laylani would nodd, 'of course you can', she answered. "Whenever the coma starts I want you to end my life", she would say with a very serious tone. "Y-You want me to k-kill you?', she would answer trough her tears. The woman nodded and went to start with the food. After dinner the woman started to feel the fever. She went to bed and fell asleep. When Laylani tried to wake her up later she didn't get a response. The woman was in a coma. For days she stared at the body of the woman in the hope she would move. But after about a month she decided to fulfill the wish of the lady. She layed her hand on the woman mouth and pinched her nose, until she didn't feel the womans breath anymore. In the days after the only thing she could do was crying and feeling guilty. The tiny house of the woman only reminded her of what happened. After she burried the body of the woman she decided to leave.
  2. jw.dr


    It all started when Jinx was very young. There was a big war in the city where she lived. One night a group of rebels came and set everything on fire. Her parents took Jinx and her sister and ran away. The four of them tried to escape the city, but Jinx tripped and fell. Her dad ran back to help her but he got hit by an arrow in his leg and fell to the floor, because of the pain. Her mom stopped running and ran as fast as she could to get her husband. The rebels started to beat them both up. Jinx’s sister grabbed her hand and started looking for a place to hide. Jinx got lifted up by her sister who brought her to a hiding spot. From a distance they saw how the rebels brutally killed their parents. After the rebels left Jinx and her sister walked slowly to her parents. Jinx kneeled and wrapped her hands around het moms body. She starts crying and tries to wake her parents, but they don’t answer. Her sister tries to calm her down and take her to another place, but Jinx wanted to stay. A man slowly walked to Jinx and her sister and asked: “hey, are you two okay?”. Jinx and her sister nodded. “Come with me, I’ll bring you two to a safe place”, the man said. The two girls didn’t really have a choice and accepted this offer. While living by the kind man the two children made some friends, they went on adventures and played for hours. Every night the man would make them dinner and he would bring them to bed. The two girls had a good life with the man. Jinx and her sister slowly started to see the man as a father figure. One day there came an end to that great and fun time. After an adventure in a cave with jinx’s friends and her dad it went all wrong. Jinx accidentally made the cave collapse by pulling a rock out of a wall. Everyone tried to run away, but sadly enough only Jinx and her sister survived. The two girls tried to safe their loved ones, but it was already too late. They were crushed by the rocks. Before leaving the cave she looked back and saw the dead bodies of her loved ones. But then the whole cave started to shake and rock were falling from the ceiling. Jinx ran as fast outside as she can. Luckily she was outside before the whole cave collapsed. When she was outside her sister started yelling at her: “WHY DID YOU DO THIS? THIS IS AL YOUR FAULT! YOU KNOW WHY MOM AND DAD CALLED YOU JINX? BECAUSE YOU RUIN EVERYTHING AND KILL EVERYONE YOU GET CLOSE TO! I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!”. Jinx started to cry and tried to give her sister a hug, but her sister pushed her away. “I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!!”, her sister yelled again. Jinx stood up and ran away. After a while she stopped to take a break. She sat on the ground and started crying. A man found her and tried to calm the little girl and took care of Jinx. While living with the man she didn’t get that much social interactions. Instead she had the company of the voices in her head. She kept hearing the voices of the people who she lost and they all blaming her on what happened. Slowly Jinx starter to lose her sanity and she turned into a whole different person. The new Jinx was crazy, fearless, strong, smart and there was no one who could stop her. Instead of playing with dolls and drawing she taught herself how to make weapons and how to fight. It didn’t take long for everybody in the city to hate the new Jinx, except one person, the man who took care of her for all those years. In his eyes she was his perfect little daughter. After living with the man for 7 years a terrible accident happened. Jinx was testing one of her new weapons, but it went wrong. The man got hit by one of the weapons and dies. His last words were: “Jinx, you are perfect the way you are and I will always care about you”. Jinx wrapped her arms around him and cries until she feels the last breath leaving his body. After this accident Jinx decided to never touch a weapon ever again. In the years after the accident Jinx tried to start over. She earned some money by doing chores for other people. She also worked for a farmer who gave her a place to stay. The farmer was an old man who couldn’t do everything by his own anymore. Jinx took care of her and the farmer until he passed away, which she blamed on herself. After his death she took over the farm, but then a really cold winter came. It was really hard to get food and Jinx had to kill the animals to survive. The wheat, carrots, potatoes and other crops froze and died. After a while nothing was left and she didn’t have enough money to keep the farm so she sold it. She lived on the streets for a while and tried to find a place to stay in her city, but nobody wanted to help her. Many times she saw how her sister was living a great life, but she was too afraid to talk to her. But when she finally talked to her, she treated her the same way as before. After a couple years living on the streets Jinx decided to go to another city and start over. In the time periode she lived with the farmer she learned a lot about flora and fauna. The most things she knows about are plants that are in the forest, think about Ant's Blight (an antlike fungus found on the log of fruittrees) and Beard weed ( A dark moss found on the side of the tree found in the shadow). She also wants to learn more about the plants in other places like the swamp, the dessert and more. There are also some plants she read about a little like Saffil ( a darker kind of grass).
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