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  1. Ndrina


    Name: Arthur Marshsword Age: Twenty-Six namedays Backstory: Arthur was born in a developing little town in the Holy Orenian Empire. He lived free of worries until one day, at just eleven years old all of that suddenly changed. Arthur was playing at his cousin's house when he suddenly heared a scream in the distance, the scream came from his own home - Arthur ran as fast as he could back to his house... Upon arrival, his house was burning, even though it was burning, Arthur pushed himself inside which was a mistake that would hunt him until his last days. Both his father and his mother were laying in a pool of blood, huddled together, their throats slit. Instead of grief, Arthur felt rage, an emotion he didn't know. Things got fuzzy after that... Arthur lived with his cousins from age eleven until sixteen. Upon becoming sixteen, Arthur set out to build a legacy of his own. His father was a formidable swordsman of the Holy Orenian Empire's legion, Arthur took some of his father's traits, which allowed him to quickly become a great swordsman under the mentorship of his uncle. Marshsword is what you call a hedge knight now, offering his services to whoever's got enough coin to pay it.
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