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    Wood elf

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  1. paradox1078


    my parents were people who had alot of money to the point my mom was a house wife and my dad worked all of the time. As time went on after a someone blamed my dad and claimed my dad stole which he didnt do but he lost his job , bills started to pile up and money started to run out and none of my parents were able to find jobs we got evicted and my dad started owing people so we left for a fresh start to young ping where they both found jobs but they didnt pay much so they both had to get second jobs to pay for my school, medical bills, food and to pay back the debt my dad had in Oren which he eventually paid for. As an only child who had to leave her child hood due to my dad losing his job and i had to leave all my friends behind i had a few friends they were called Jiko ,Mave and Fiora I couldnt really find anyone my age in Young ping.
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