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  1. TheBandit


    Born into a working family, Grimm lived his early life fairly stable, He learned off his father to become a hard working farmer to help provide food for the "Great" Empire. However, Upon a harsh winter, His family was unable to meet the standard quota. This brought the Empire to seize the farm and his families assets, As well as imprison he and his parents. However this was not meant to be, His parents gave him the chance to run away from the farm so he could not be caught by the knights that had arrived to his home. There he found himself alone, with no idea what had happened to his parents. He had to survive by himself, He tried to find a job or someplace to work, but it had brought him nothing, he was pushed away from all he begged. He was forced into a life of banditry and slowly grew a hatred to the Nobles and Royalty who allowed this to happen to him.
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