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  1. Greenspade


    Vlog'zib was born in a nomadic camp of orcs to two parents who wandered through the lands of Krugmar. Due to his parents' nature, Vlog wasn't able to learn much about the standard social norms of orcish culture. Nonetheless, his parents still taught him the ways to be a proper orc. His mother taught him how to hunt and cook what he caught while his father taught him the very basics of creating things using what he found in his travels to fashion weapons. At twenty-seven years of age, Vlog'zib has been brought up on tales of grand legends and spirits that represented the very best of what uruk kind had to offer. He had decided that he wanted to be a name that was sung by orc voices for centuries to come as well, so he packed up the sparse things he had in a leather bag and wished his mother and father goodbye. Vlog then went on his own travels, seeing the sights Krugmar had to offer and attempting to find his own trials so that his name may become a legendary one. (The Character Skin section at the bottom of the page absolutely refuses to work an actual screenshot of my skin. I've tried for a solid hour trying to get my skin to upload but it absolutely will not cooperate with me. I hope being able to post the image here will suffice because the site just won't cooperate with me lol)
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