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  1. Ezequiel


    Everything starts with Iggy's mother, Aina, fleeing from Arcas' disaster to try and start a new life in Almaris. They didn't have much money so Iggy, the protagonist of this little story, was born in a very humble household. The socioeconomic problems caused by the war with Oren had left his family in a very bad spot even before they had to leave the continent and they never really had the chance to recover from it, surrendering themselves to a life in poverty for several generations. Iggy was raised with a somewhat good education thanks to the resources he had access to. His mother had always been quite smart. She would teach Iggy to read and write and gave him a lot of books to entertain himself with. He then left at 18 years old to venture out in the world and learn of all the wonderful things his mother always talked about when he was little.
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