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Posts posted by scarahpot




     9th of Owyn's Flame of 1979


    The Unity between the Houses of Alstion and Jazlowiecki has grown once more. This time a birth is coming between the two houses. His Royal Highness, Prince John Valentinus Alstion, and Her Royal Highness,  Alicia Julia of Warsovia are proud to announce the birth of their firstborn. The daughter's name is Lorelei Mairi Alstion born during the crisp spring morning. The young child’s features are an exact copy of her mother but is blind in her right eye, just like her grandmother Her Apostolic Majesty, Amelya of Middelan. 



    His Royal Highness, John Valentinus,

    Prince of Aaun


    Her  Royal Highness, Alicia Julia of Warsovia


  2. Njg1m-KfncVoqYaBzV6xBjyIxaHZw-PuTnggfy3VoixbNGg-2_0ZNsC0xwUfh6R4ShrZVR9seMFL5j6uCnBzf1iFgJIO7iKRlCZTc60sqwHZyGR5YD93C07XpJaf6NiDpr3vnT4qUjrYdudvK5G1Wxg

    Of 1977






             The Unity between the Houses of Alstion and Jazlowiecki has grown due to the wedlock between the Lord & Lady of Alba. In inspiration of this growing relationship, a similar union that has been years in the making has come to fruition. His Royal Highness, Prince John Valentinus Alstion, and Her Ladyship, Alicja Julia of Jazlowiecki will be wed in holy matrimony upon the wildflower fields of Stassion. In a sign of unity, and defiance in the face of the enemy, the union will symbolize all that the Burgundyist host fought against. 


              A simple ceremony will be hosted within the fields that witnessed the Siege of Fredericksburg. Afterwards, across the river, attendees will assist in planting flowers throughout sections of the countryside. This will also allow for those who remember the war to give their testimonies regarding the horrific fighting.




    The Wedding 

    The ceremony will take place on the old lands of Stassion, commemorating the liberation and victory of the Grand Covenant over the Burgundyist Host.


     The Planting of Poppies 

    After the official matrimony, guests shall gather to Enswerp for the planting of the poppies. Each will receive an already flowered poppy to plant in the designated area to mark the joyous occasion.




    Formal invitations are offered to the following:


    The Royal House of Alstion

    The Royal House of Temesch of the Petra

    The Comital House of Jazlowiecki




    Prince Johannes von Alstreim and the Principality of Merryweather

    Margrave Siegmund von Reuss and Margraviate of Velen

    Count Emilio Varoche and the County of Ves

    Baroness Olympe-Regina and the Barony of Rosius

    Baron Leon de Ardennes and the Barony of Gotfridcher

    The Royal City of Whitespire

    The Hamlet of Enswerp




    Duke Aurel von Theonus and the Duchy of  Vohenhiem

    Count Wilford and Atticus Reinhold and the County of Anairgrid

    Count Freidrich von Augusten and the Count of  Hohengarten

    Baron Aimo Astor and the Barony of Fir’steinn

    Baroness Katrin Stafyr and the Barony of Feldkirch

    The Free City of Chambery

    The Royal City of Vallagne





    The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

    The Kingdom of Balian

    The Principality of Reinmar




    His Grace, Jean Bishop St. Godwin 

    His Lordship, George Halcourt

    Her Ladyship, Catherine de Lewes

    Master Traders, Boon and Bane

    Captain Tiber of the Legion of Saint Godwin

    Mister Gregorious Roa of Pavia and his Family




    SATURDAY, MAY 18TH @ 12:00 PM  EST




    His Royal Highness, John Valentinus,

    Prince of Aaun




    Her Ladyship, Alicja Julia 

    Lady of House Jazlowiecki




  3. d8t7CLlqctgJrHTsQ6URjWkqpq1Sz6oRHVk9YsOtANyewI-xIQpxUuIAGbW631mhxnUaDRBmeVtbVQVG-hEbJpTQsBdIAS9R_pVs4ehyoIOH02h5qs249oORdafuAwNe5i6giAd8hlgO35O8b4DGdrY









                             Within the past century many astrological advances have been formulated, offering different devices to aid in the observation of the stars. These new tools give us advanced understandings of the celestial bodies above, for example, the telescope. This object opens a door for those interested in stargazing by enhancing one's eyes with curved mirrors, also known as lenses, that gather light from the night sky. 


                             Alicja Julia Jazlowiecki invites anyone to join as the sun sets and indulge in the experience of stargazing while learning about the wonders of the stars at the fields closest to the docks of Whitespire. Telescopes* will be provided but it is recommended to bring one’s own if possible. If any questions surface please send a bird to the hostess to receive answers. 





    *The minecraft item is a spyglass




    Alicja Julia Jazlowiecki of House Jazlowiecki


  4. SukRos1DeoylbMXBScVohmdbm-EUIxqAFiwvn5tO39RS8MqSQKJ4Q24QR5diIBH1_ccqIKwO_wSrxd07Zw3g754Xg1ZFjH94gUssEZGlAVo8lDXEhTcS1M7GCcBdiI7nKPBeaDw7Bt1S3GxVFhDrPJU8sUx-qeHR9ss2IYV7xQvGasAXyr1mq5GOsMMs_w





    Penned by Bianka Ophelia Jazloviecki, 6th of Owyn’s Flame, 1901




    Throughout the many years of my familial turmoil, I have put forth myself to keep this house afloat. The waves crash against our family’s reputation as we sail on the open continent of Almaris and set foot in Petrine Land, creating a place of sanctuary for our bloodline. With the death of my father and mother, the leadership of the family had fallen to my oldest brother; however, nearly a year after he completely disappeared, the succession of the family went to my older sister. Very unfortunately, she had fallen ill during the winter cold of the same year, an illness not able to be cured with known medicine. Another many years passed while I played Lady Regent, praying my dear sister would regain her strength to guide our house but praying was never enough. In desperate need, I consulted with my sister, and we both have made a decision that I shall be the matriarch of House Jazloviecki and the succession line shall follow my branch of this family, being passed to my children, followed by my children’s children. With this conclusion, I wish for The Commonwealth of Petra to honor this arrangement if anyone were to question the legitimacy of my hold on the House of Jazloviecki. 



    Lady Bianka Ophelia Jazloviecki, Matriarch of House Jazloviecki, Grand Chamberlain of River Court

  5. HfHVmfxTaSwB9stGO0CgnCaCIzHqjWlVlEA12kguk1HQvNoIEhZBI8V_vQDair2Y9uoO3MPWl9R_HixaGySyiKzDVa6_1yC8oTS2SwEm0ZI-2Nw6sS1a0iIOXR7uVGMdUZvBYOKTHixoRvEt5WoJ6MdiRGoLV_ENgHJV7feoWGhDam6G5WLyxCPs0g



    Penned by Bianka Ophelia Jazloviecki, 1891



    The nights howls with the emptiness left in our creaking home and most chattering has succumbed to silence with the loss of our parent’s presence. The breaking of dawn seems vastly lonelier with no clear view of where to go next with our life journey. Walking through those same streets where you laid your last breaths feels ever more suffocating. I wish for your companionship again, never would I have thought that I could lose you both at such a fragile age. There are so many life lessons I must learn in order to honour the name I have been given but you are not here to help me. I am sorry for how unruly I was, my childish antics overcame my common sense and I don’t know if I can forgive myself. There is still so much I desire to display to you, my harp skills have become quite adequate and I have become more ‘ladylike’ for you as I engrave similar looks to you both. I yearn for a last embrace or even a last goodbye for I have been stripped of even that. I do not care if you both were vampyres, first and foremost you were my parents who gave life to me. You both cared and treasured our family with every amount of love intertwined within yourselves. I wish for you to come back. I wish for the laughter we shared to ring in my ears once more. I wish for all of us to be family again. They have spilled the blood of my kin and I will never have those precious innocent moments again. Now I must live with despair and bareness of my soul as my pure childhood was cut short. I hope you are pleased with such outcomes and the destruction of the Jazloviecki youthfulness. 



    SIGNED, Bianka Ophelia Jazloviecki, Daughter of Maciej and Ottillie Jazloviecki, 

    Margrave and Margravine-consort of Grodno


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