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  1. WhiteScreen


    Thorick is the third son of the Ashbeard Family. A family of Leatherworks, dedicated to thier work. His father is named Bolgar and he is an Elder Dwarf that instills beliefs in his children of constantly respecting your Elders and the importance of never stealing from your own Clan, it is a worse crime that murder. Hailing from the esteemed Battle-Hardened Clan of Ireheart. Every one of Thorick's siblings, were taught basic combat skills in times of war and crisis as living underground with monsters does have it's hardships. Thorick witnessed the prejudice of his people, and thier embrace of thier greedy nature throughout thier lives, and found it strange. Attaning a Book from his father, he learned that Urguan's curse, Greed. How could someone so mighty and Heroic curse his people? Thorick sought the church for help, and told his father he wished to be a Cleric of Yemekar. His father accepted on the condition he would help his learhercrafter’s shop from time to time. Thorick delved into the religion, adoring garnments and working as a Junior Priest, adorned with Purple Basalisk Hide to show his priestly status and granted spiked hammer to represent Yemekar in the Ireheart clan. Thorick's study on the Gods, he came to a horrid revelation through his service. The Gods bet on souls, the court decides on who's soul goes where in the afterlife based on who was worshiped. Thorick was outraged, he had grown valuing culture, religion, and himself. It pained him knowing that his people, valued only religion as a gateway into the afterlife and not as a vessel to better themselves. They viewed the Curse, as a horrid thing, a thing that shouldn't he loved but hated. Thorick sought to change this view, instill proper values so his kin can regain their lost Pride as Dwarves. After all, Yemekar is the God of Creation, who is to say that Thorick cannot forge a new view? The Curse of Urguan is not a Curse, but a Blessing.
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