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  1. charlottemarie


    Lisbet Reim was born onto a peasant family in Savoy, and lived a classic childhood that many members of the peasantry went through, consisting of tending to the Lord's livestock and farmlands, attending festivities, and serving in the tavern. She had many siblings, at times, she would lose count of them. Her father had to have extra hands in tending the farms after all. Of course, she was raised in the tradition of believing in the Creator, and kept many of her family members in prayer. As she grew and shaped up to be a woman of Savoy, her freedom to stray from this agrarian lifestyle also grew along with her. Thus, she would pick up a spear and follow a local wine merchant that she grew accustomed to. The man's wine caravan needed guards, and she needed the coin, so a deal was struck and they have travelled the roads leading from Savoy to the lands of Oren, fighting bandits, selling goods and making money. This life suited her much, and she grew together with the mercenaries that made her companions.
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