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    Apoidea #6854
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  1. Apoidea


    Born in small village in the Kingdom of Haese, Yanna was just an average girl. Her life wasn't always easy, but she always walked with big smile on her face. She had siblings but due tu disease they didn't make it. As a child she loved to sit with her mother and listen to her stories, stories about beautiful elves, strong dwarfs and courageous humans. Dreaming that some day she will have some adventure, her own one. But actually she never seemed to seek one. When she was spending time with her father he told her about wars, especially the Great Northern War. As soon as she turned ten she gained interest in pottery, even if she wasn't good at it. Few days after her fourteen birthday her mother passed due to complications at childbirth, not only her mother died but also her sibling. At first she felt devastated, but because she was used to death in her family, she dealt with that quite quickly. After that she had only her father. She never showed interest in love live, she didn't had much friends also. And then she turned eighteen, it wasn't big deal to her, just another year passing.
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