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  1. gudetamasaturn


    Vilde was born in Elvenesse, they were born as an only child. Her parents were very loving when she was young, when she reached the age of 13 Vilde told her parents that she wanted to become a singer to entertain people. Her parents were shocked that she wanted to do that when she got older, they immediately disapproved her dream and doubted her. Vilde was very sad when her parents didn't approve her dream, but that didn't stop her to try and achieve it. While she grows up she is always practicing her singing, at the same time her parents are doubting her skills. During her practicing her fear of being doubted developed, she wants to prove everyone that she can achieve her goal but with her own parents doubting her, she gets insecure about her own abilities. When Vilde became 16 she met this duo of friends, Vilde was just singing alone near a lake, when her song was over with she heard clapping behind her. Vilde was embarrassed that someone has heard her sing, but the two duo was cheering for her giving her compliments on her singing. Their names were Jackson and Elma, they were both very supportive of her dream and was there for Vilde every step of the way. Vilde is now 18 she is still practicing her singing skills but she is also learning about her culture. While she was learning about the culture she has found out that they take a great appreciation to their ancestors. She has learned about all the different types of elves, like how sea-elves have different appearances than Almenodrim elves, sea-elves have earthy tones to them while Almenodrim are more fair, have gray eyes. Vilden was also a good student in school, always got assignments done and got to school on time. She had good grades throughout her school life.
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