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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Credence Mottrem
  • Character Race
  1. itsjustdawn


    Credence was born in a small hut slightly off from the Kingdom of Norland, and was raised by his Father, Seam Mottrem . (Mother, Cara Crowett, died giving birth). He has 2 siblings, Riku Mottrem (Older, Male, went off on a boat when Credence was 16), and Hira Mottrem (Older, female, deceased). His father told him stories of other towns and nations, encouraging him to adventure and to write his own stories that he can tell his own children. when he was 7, he had followed a small centipede towards a tree stump, where he found his sisters dead body. On it were several Alabaster leaves, some in a basket, others seemingly being picked. As well as that, there was her private cook book. As he looked at it, the page of which it was open to was a recipie including them. At first he wondered how she was killed, being no blood or marks on her body. Then, he remembered something he read about Alabaster leaves. Alabaster Leaf is primarily harvested to produce dye. The crushed leaves produce an alabaster paste, which can be turned into paint. When ingested, the plant evokes dizziness and mild nausea for ten minutes. (It doesnt say how long it takes for the dizziness to kick in, so i'm saying one human day) The amount that the recipe said it needed could be enough to kill someone. He had two close friends, Misaki Ario and Frida Kiro. His father then died (He was 13 at that time, Riku was 18), which was a tragic event for both Riku and Credence. Riku then took over as the parental figure, getting a job as a fisherman. Not much happened until Credence turned 16, as Riku left to go fish for rarer things, leaving him on his own. He then started to grow plants, more specifically Chime Lilys in the nearby lake. While doing that, he had met a person named Sete, who helped him with planting and growing the Lilys. Credence, when he turned 18, decided to follow what his father asked him to do, and decided to travel Almaris, reading about plants, and writing about what he sees.
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