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  1. breakfastegg179


    Birthplace :The sultunate of Kharasi near the Fakhr Oasis on a trading boat, his first experiances of the outside world were the rocking waves, the sounds of birds and the scorching desert sun Backstory:Amir was isolated from other children, instead spending most of his days alongside his mother, who taught him basic education, and his father, who tried to teach him how to barter for goods and items to buy and sell,how to sail, how travel the waters to various trade routes and how to makeuse of the materials they had overstocked, unfortunately Amir spent more of his efforts reading fantasy books and half true fables of the northern lands then actually learning what his father tried to teach him, eventually he grew tired of the same trade routes, and yearned for more, for adventure, to be apart of those stories he read about, and so, in the middle of the night, alongside coin, food, and a trusty journal and quill, he bought a boat and set sail, but he underestemated the waters, and overestimated his abilities, and so with reckless optimism needs to find a way to survive without dying, all the while fascinated by everything around him. Parents: Father (46) Kashan Haidarn Mother (38) Adila Haidarn Education: Work experiance from his father, Mother taught him to read and write Siblings: N/A Amir was an only child
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