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About viqt

  • Birthday January 14

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  • Character Name
    Viola Beckett
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  1. viqt


    Viola lived in a small, safe, and well-established town, Haverlock, with her Mother and her younger sibling, Frederick. Her mother was taking care of Viola and Frederick by herself, since her father had left before she was born. Viola grew up more than financially stable, and had access to all the things a child could want. Even so, Viola had a relatively boring upbringing, and sought out adventure wherever she could find it. Since her mom rarely paid any attention to her, and took little interest in her activities and whereabouts, Viola spent her spare time exploring places she was not allowed and making trouble wherever she could. But the laws and rules Viola broke were of little consequence, and she was rarely punished beyond a slap on the wrist. She made very few close friends, and her misdeeds continued as she entered her teenage years. But, as Viola reached adulthood, she outgrew the town and became bored and frustrated. So, after living with her mother and Frederick for so long, Viola set out into the wilderness to find something more.
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