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Everything posted by Mellow_09

  1. Mellow_09


    My character was born on a farm they're parents were nice but they were a little to bossy sometimes. They're two older siblings were never nice to them they would always pick on them and blame them for things they didn't do. They were a outcast growing up they were always reading or wandering around so everyone thought they were weird all of this resulted in them having a lack of social skills. On there thirteenth birthday there grandma got them a book about the world and after a day of reading they were immersed They wanted to see what this book was about with there own eyes they didn't want to stay at the farm just working on with family for the rest of there life they wanted to be free. One talent they had was that they were very good at farming better then they're two older siblings which only made them hate them even more. A few weeks after there eighteenth birthday In the middle of the night they snuck out to explore world they didn't want to live at the farm and farm for all of they're life they wanted to see the world discover new plant's, new animals they wanted to see It all. Shortly after they ran away they visited the Kingdom of Haense to get food and water.(btw this is my first time making a backstory for a character so if it's bad tell me
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