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  1. MegaLukario99


    When Thaeron Khalan was born, his parents Kairon and Teana knew he was going to be a handful. And they were very correct, because even as a child, he was of the adventurous sort, always exploring around the house and giving his parents a heart attack whenever he would wander off. His parents were satisfied with one child, so he had to make nice with all of the other children in his home town, viewing them as his siblings since he did not have any of his own. When he reached the age of 7, he had amassed quite the friend group, and he loved each and everyone of them like they were his family. They would always be seen playing together, comforting each other, and supporting each other no matter what happened to them. They would always talk about how one day, when they were older, they would travel the lands and become adventurers, seeing the sights and exploring anywhere and everywhere they could. This was a promise made by all of them, to each other. All was well until he reached age 15, when his friends and him decided to be a lot more adventurous than they knew how to handle. When traversing the woods on day, his best friend and virtually brother, Zucra had fallen into a river while trying to cross it on a fallen tree. Without even hesitating, Thaeron jumped in after him, grabbing onto his best friends shirt with one hand and a low hanging branch with the other. He yelled at his friend to hold on until the river calmed down, but with the river soaking their hands, it was almost fate that Zucra was swept away by the current. Those were dark day indeed for the group, and even dark for Thaeron. Now 25 years old, he has matured well, but still has much to learn about the world around him. His parents understand his wishes to fufill him and his friend's long time dream of being able to travel in search of excitement and adventure, in whatever form Thaeron so desired it. And with a heartfelt goodbye from his parents, as well as one to his closest friends, he made an offering to The Father of the Hunt, Cernunnos, and set off on his own in search of a way to honor his friend's memory, by honoring the promise they made to each other.
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