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Everything posted by Reli

  1. Reli


    Leger Farfoot was born in a fortress, known as Ironguard which was created as a result of the Raid on Ironguard. Leger stayed in Ironguard for 6 years, and as he lived here he began learning swordsmanship from his father, Arenvald Farfoot, before traveling to a small unnamed town with his family. In this new town Leger goes to school for 4 years and pays little attention in school, and on Legers 10th birthday he gets to make the festival meal for the town. He goes foraging for some ingredients the town does not have, and includes them in the food he makes for the town festival. Everyone in town gets sick from this food, though none die- due to this Leger gains a fear of foraging, as he doesn't want to hurt any innocent people anymore. Leger's mother, Aldruth Farfoot gives birth to a son, and has been given the name Autgar Farfoot. For 2 years Leger continues his sword training, and prepares to leave his family to travel the world. a Year later Leger walks for many days and nights, ending up in a town known as Vale, and decides to settle in this newfound town. Leger meets many new people, and makes many allies and meets his two closest friends, Rula, and Thumble Therock Bouldergut. For the next 5 years, Leger lives a quite life enjoying the company of his companions.
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