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  1. Rhy


    He was born under a willow tree at exactly midnight. His parents, both philosophers, cared for him until he was 4. After that, they took him to a family friend, Christopher. Christopher was a kind old man who had once been a warrior, but had been banished from his city after a misunderstanding. It had been cleared up but he prefered the solitude. On his tenth birthday, Rhy started asking questions. Why were they here? What was his purpose? Christopher gave answers as best he could, and that satisfied Rhy. But then, he asked the question that Christopher had been dreading. "Christopher, where are my parents?" "Rhy, come and sit on my lap." Rhy, being already as tall as Christopher didn't think this was a good idea, but knew better than to not obey. "Rhy, you know that I don't like telling you things that aren't true, right?" "Yes sir." Rhy had never seen Christopher do anything wrong (please remember, this kid had never seen any other beings, and didn't know what was considered bad) and thought he was very good to. "Well, your parents, they were in trouble, and they knew it. So they did the only thing they could and took you to me. They said they would miss you and return eventually, but they are likely dead." This was hard for him to say, because he knew this was all a lie. His parents had left him so they could continue pursuing their careers and acheive their lifelong goal. Find out if you could enter the void. "Oh." That was all Rhy could say. He knew he probably would never see his parents again. He would probably never even know what they looked like. "C'mon, Rhy, let's have some Chlofre." Chlofre was Christopher's own concontion and may or may not have had a few illeagal substances in it. Rhy stopped asking questions after that, and focused on reading. For his 13 birthday, he was allowed into the library for the first time. He soon learned he enjoyed reading stories, and even wrote a few of his own. He always presented Christopher with his stories. Christopher would then read them allowed smiling. He knew they were nothing like the Adventures of Drindol, but for a young elf this was pretty good. At the age of 15, Rhy learned his caretaker was having trouble moving around. He was worried because he had not been told any of this befor now and was wondering when it had started. Christopher told Rhy that there was a town nearby and if he would go into it to buy a donkey. He did as he was told and brought the donkey to his home. When Rhy asked what the donkey was for, Christopher said that now he would be able to get to town on his own without the worry of his leg stopping him. The donkey was named Lyre, since the sound she made was simular to a bad bard singing. At 17, he left home. Christopher didn't have the money to support him and Rhy knew it. Leaving was the hardest thing he ever did, but never once did he regret it. He started stealing to eat. He soon started stealing professionally. He would go into peoples homes, and find some of the things with the most value, but would not be noticed. He then sold these things and got enough money to get a wolf. He named it Watch, because that is what he did. He would sit in the alleys of houses he looted, and bark if he heard or saw anyone. On his ninetienth birthday he gave up theivery. A cat had caught him and scared him so much he knocked down a vase. A a large woman came down the stairs. She pushed him into a chair and knocked him out. He woke up a few days later with a sheet over his head. He thrashed around and heard a clang. Then he felt something sharp against his neck. "Who are you?" this voice was full of malice and hatred. The sheet was torn off and the woman who had pushed him into the chair was standing their, with a scowl on her face. "Endora!" A man came quickly and pulled the knife out of his wifes hand. "Don't hurt him! He looks like he needs help!" He looked at Rhy with caring eyes. "Are you okay?" Rhy nodded and stood up. He started heading towards the door. "Where are you going?" Rhy looked back and said, "I don't know, I have nowhere to go, so I guess I should just go out into the world and see if someone is willing to help." His own voice surprized him. It was deeper than he remembered. Then he realized he had not spoken since he had left Christopher two years ago. He also apparently had an accent. Christopher had learned Ancient Elven growing up and spoke it to Christopher most of the time. "We are willing to help." said the man. "My name is Robert, and this is my wife Endora." Rhy looked at the woman who still looked at him with contempt. "We will have a rule though, no more stealing." Rhy nevously nodded and then looked down. Endora then spoke to him. "How old are you?" Rhy then remembered that his birthday had been 3 days ago. "19 as of The Amber Cold, what you call Harren's Folley." Endora ran upstairs and came back with a needle. "We never had a son, but my father said that every one of his sons would have pierced ears, he was quite odd." Endora smirked at Rhy. "Get over here." He obeyed, quite afraid of this woman, and sat as she instructed. A thick needle then went through his ear. He grimaced and Endora secretly smiled. This was her way of payment for the vase. She then put a earring the size of a wedding ring through the gap. He lived with them for two years, then decided to go and live his life. He knew he needed to start a family, one where he could really belong. He and Endora had grown close, and now it was time to say goodbye.
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